About Us

We simulate the day-to-day operations of many squadrons within the Royal Air Force and NATO. Our training program reflects that of the real-world Royal Air Force, with a structured Central Flying School. We also fly WWII sorties using DCS with a choice of red or blue teams.
Squadrons engage in organised training sessions, overseas operations and work together to implement the latest advances in Flight Simulator technology into the organisation.
We can offer:
· An active JOCO team, planning regular operations and deployments using all of our squadrons.
· Our own private DCS Flight Server, SRS Server, Discord Chanenel and 24/7 forum support.
· Members extensive experience in Mission Building, Scenery Creation, Operational Planning, IT Specialists, Admin Personnel and media experts.
· An on-line hour log-book system.
· Our own dedicated DCS server with excellent peer-to-peer facilities.
· Technology testing, including the use of Virtual Reality headsets.
· Regular Friday “Fun Nights” WW2 missions red and blue teams using the channel map.